Our lavender plants are available for PRE-ORDER now with local pick up to be scheduled in early June 2024.
This English lavender is one my personal favorites - definitely in the top three - it is one of the best oil producers and is considered the best for producing high-yield crops for making beautiful fragrant bouquets.
One of the most often asked questions at the farm each summer is - "what is that dark stripe of lavender in the center of your field?" - that dark stripe stands out because we positioned the Hidcote right between two lighter colored lavender varieties but it is generally considered one of the most beautiful dark purples of all the colours of lavender. Hidcote is a shorter stemmed variety than most and it produces deep purple spikes in late spring and summer. Hidcote makes a great dwarf hedge or can be used for edging or for creating borders.
Buena Vista
We love this slow-growing lavender variety which blooms twice per year – once in the late spring and again in fall in areas like Southern Oregon with long growing seasons and mild weather. Buena Vista has a strong fragrance, distinctive and very dark blue calyxes and lighter blue flowers.
We planted Melissa in 2016 to add another culinary lavender variety to our arsenal but also because it is so unusual. Melissa features tightly compact pink and white spikes that bloom longer than other pink lavender plants. It can be used for ornamental or hedging purposes as well as in cooking. The plant was introduced by Van Hevelingen Herb Nursery in Oregon and is named after the owner's wife.
Royal Velvet
This variety is a small to medium-sized lavender plant and in our opinion, one of the best Lavandula Angustifolias. Its deep purple flowers and foliage are highly aromatic. It is a great oil producer and excellent for culinary uses - it is also beautiful to look at and really holds its color when picked and dried at its peak. Royal Velvet is an all-purpose plant that is one of the best selling at our farm.
Sharon Roberts
This is a medium-large sized bushy plant containing green foliage and dark purple/blue flowers. It is suitable for ornamental hedging because it has a long blooming period and also a strong fragrance. This variety is an excellent choice when making fresh bundles.
Tuckers Early Purple
This variety was introduced by Tom DeBaggio and is a cross between Mitcham Grey and Two Seasons lavender varieties. It features dark flower buds and blue flowers which bloom throughout the summer. It is one of the earliest lavenders to bloom and the last to finish. It makes a great container plant and is highly fragrant.
Betty's Blue
Betty's Blue was developed at Nichols Garden Nursery in Albany, Oregon. This lavender was named for the manager of that nursery and chosen because of its dark blue flowers and for the fact that it dries well and can be used in potpourris. In addition to those attributes, it is compact and upright with silver-gray foliage and fairly long flowering stems which make it easy to harvest.
This variety is also popularly known as French lavender and is one of the largest lavandins at 36" tall. Provence features very long, dense and full spikes that are wonderful for fresh bouquets, lavender wands, potpourri and culinary purposes. The aroma is milder and sweeter than other lavenders.
This is a large commercial, all-purpose plant that is very hardy. Its long stems are excellent for dried bouquets and potpourris. Because Grosso is such a high-yielding plant, it has become the most widely used lavender variety for oil production in the world. We grow Grosso decoratively along our driveway at the farm.